As someone who has suffered from ingrown hairs for years, this product was a thigh saver ! I’ve been shaving bikini line for years, not realizing what exactly my skin was telling me (now I know, it prefers alternate hair removal techniques). However, at the time of me placing this order, I was just looking for relief, prevention and a solution. I found all of these in this sample kit. I woke up to 2 ingrown hairs on either sides of my inner thighs, painful and swollen; I applied the “ouch balm” and headed out for the day. I felt relief from the balm within minutes I would say. And the relief lasted all day for me! Later that evening, I decided to try out the green cream. After a shower and thoroughly drying off, I tried the green cream. Slept with a coating on my inner thighs, and nothing covering the affected area. The next morning, I could still feel the residue from the green cream, I wiped it thoroughly with water, and instantly noticed how much the bumps had decreased in size. The pain was gone as well. Mind you, I’ve only applied the ouch balm once and the pain is nearly undetectable, the bumps went from a 7 (in pain and size) to a 2, in just one overnight use. I will definitely be using this product again.